Family Planning Program

FPP: Questions & Answers

What if I have Medicaid?

If you have Medicaid, any services received would be paid for under Medicaid, not the Family Planning Program (FPP).  Family Planning providers will screen all potential clients for eligibility in the following order: Medicaid, Healthy Texas Women (HTW).

How will I know if I'm covered by the Family Planning Program?

The staff at a Family Planning Program clinic will meet with you at the clinic to see if you are eligible. They might be able to confirm your eligibility the same day and provide you with approved services.

FPP: How to Apply?

Apply In Person

If you meet the qualifications, use the search form on the right to find a clinic near you. Make an appointment, and the staff will meet with you onsite to determine your eligibility. If you qualify, you might be able to receive services the same day. You might be required to provide proof of income during the initial visit.

Examples of Proof of Income

Proof showing how much money you receive:

FPP: Who Can Apply

You may receive Family Planning Program benefits whether you are female or male. You may receive benefits if you:

FPP: Benefits

The program offers a wide range of family planning and related health services, including:

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