Contact Us
The Healthy Texas Women program connects you with the appropriate people and programs that can keep you healthy and provide you services when you need help. See below on how to contact HHSC Healthy Texas Women.
Need help with your Healthy Texas Women application or benefits?
Call Healthy Texas Women at 1-866-993-9972 (toll-free). We can take your call from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Time.
To mail or fax your new application to us, please use the following information:
Healthy Texas Women
P.O. Box 149021
Austin, TX 78714-9021
Fax (toll-free) 1-877-466-2409
To fax (toll-free) a renewal application to us, please use 1-877-447-2839.
To learn about benefits or still need help with your application, you may email HHSC Healthy Texas Women.
Need help finding a Healthy Texas Women program provider?
For questions or to find a Healthy Texas Women program provider, you can also call 1-800-335-8957 (toll free), pick a language, then pick option 5.
You may also email HHSC Healthy Texas Women.
Need help with your Family Planning Program application or benefits?
You must apply in person to receive services through the Family Planning Program. Find a participating clinic near you or visit Family Planning.
Need help with your Breast and Cervical Cancer Services program application or benefits?
You must apply in person to receive services through the Breast and Cervical Cancer Services program. Find a participating clinic near you or visit Breast and Cervical Cancer Services.
Need help with other Texas health benefits or need to apply for benefits?
Most people who apply for benefits don’t need to come into the office for an interview.
We will try to set up a phone interview. If you need to visit an office, you can find one near you by going to Your Texas Benefits and clicking on “Find an office.” Or call 2-1-1. Pick a language, then, press option 2.
If you don't get Your Texas Benefits ID card or need to replace it, call 1-855-827-3748 (toll-free).
Need help other than healthcare?
Calling 2-1-1 is a free, easy way to find out about services you can get. After you pick a language, select option 1. You can learn more about services including:
- Food pantries
- Housing
- Senior services
- Child care
- After-school programs
- Disaster help
- Tax help
- Help paying for drugs ordered by your doctor
- Help paying your rent or utilities
Staff can talk with you anytime you call – 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
You can also visit the 2-1-1 website at 2-1-1 Texas.
Need to file a complaint?
If you have a complaint about your benefits case, call 2-1-1. If you still need help, follow one of these 2 ways:
- Go to the Office of the Ombudsman’s website
- Call the Office of the Ombudsman at 1-877-787-8999 (toll-free)
Need to file a civil rights complaint?
If you think you were treated unfairly (discriminated against) because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion or political beliefs, call the Office of Civil Rights at 1-888-388-6332 (toll-free).
Need to report waste, fraud or abuse of state benefits?
If you think anyone is misusing state benefits, call 1-800-436-6184 (toll-free).